The Best Iced Raspberry Mocha With Raspberry Cold Foam

iced raspberry. mocha with raspberry cold foam

Alright, ladies and gentleman, I’m dubbing this THE drink of Valentine’s Day. This might even be the drink of the year. I’ve even surprised myself with how delicious this is. The raspberry cold foam is so good, I ate what was left of it with a spoon #truestory. Plus, the light pink foam is just giving all the pink coffee vibes for the day of love. 

I was almost done with fruit themed coffees after making a handful of strawberry coffee drinks, but then I ordered raspberry syrup thinking I could maybe recreate the epic, but very seasonal, Peet’s raspberry mocha. My favorite Peet’s coffee drink of all time. But, I didn’t think I would create something even better. 

This is it, friends. Get your raspberry syrup or make a raspberry syrup using fresh raspberries at home, and let’s make this together. 

Iced Raspberry Mocha with Raspberry Cold Foam: Ingredients

iced raspberry. mocha with raspberry cold foam

The raspberry syrup is the star of the show here. I did buy mine and I’m glad, because it’s so much easier. But, you could make a raspberry reduction pretty easily. Just make sure to strain it so you don’t get a bunch of seeds. 

  • Raspberry syrup: I bought this one. 
  • Espresso Shots: I used one double espresso Chiaro pod, which is two espresso shots in one pod. A double shot is what I put in a medium or grande size.  I use my Nespresso Vertuoline machine to make espresso and it makes it so easy. 
  • Chocolate Sauce: I used Kyya Mocha Sauce. They are made in small batches and have delicious texture and flavor. Use my code to get 10% off – WHATTHEFROTHKYYA10
  • Milk of Choice: Use whatever works for you here. If you don’t make a request at Starbucks, they traditionally use 2% milk. If you like the way their coffees taste, you can use that as your milk. The only milks that change the flavor are almond and coconut. 
  • Ice: Yaaaaasss. Ice, ice, baby. I do not brew the coffee over ice, because it melts it and waters it down too much. I brew my espresso into an espresso cup, so that it cools a bit before adding it to the sauces to melt them. By the time you are adding the ice, it’s cooled enough where it won’t melt the ice as quickly. 
  • Heavy Cream: You’ll use this with the milk to make your sweet cream topping. I have not found a dairy free alternative that works here. 
  • Toppings: I used  sprinkles! So easy!

Tools for making your coffee:

iced raspberry. mocha with raspberry cold foam

I get a lot of questions about what I use in my coffee videos. So, I’m trying to do a better job of sharing that in these posts to make it easy to find. A lot of these tools have been just trial and error. I’ll buy different things until I find what works. I do buy these with my own money, but these are affiliate links, too, which means I may receive a commission if you make a purchase through my links at no cost to you. Cheers to that!

That’s it! Use what you have on hand, friends, but if you’re in the market for something you don’t have, this is what I like to use. 

Making your Iced Raspberry Mocha with Raspberry Sweet Cream:

This is so easy, it’s going to blow your mind. You can mix up the order that you do things and it’ll still taste great, but here’s the order I used in my video. 

  1. Add 1-2 tbsp. mocha sauce to espresso glass (I used about 2)
  2. Add 1 tbsp. raspberry syrup
  3. Brew double shot of espresso on top and then stir it in to mix 
  4. Add ice to a glass
  5. Add 3/4 cup milk of choice
  6. Add coffee mixture and stir
  7. Add 4 tbsp. heavy cream, 2 tbsp. milk of choice and 1 tbsp. raspberry syrup to a separate glass and froth until soft set.
  8. Pour over your coffee and add toppings. 
  9. Enjoy!

More Coffee Recipes: 

If you love this one, you might really like the recipes that are in my post on Valentine’s Day coffee drinks!

I hope you found something new to make today that you love. To read my content ad and pop-up free, check out my coffee substack where I am going to share even more with you ( like a constantly updated coffee ebook). 

Get roasted, 


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