30 Types Of Coffee Drinks in Pictures From A To V!

types of coffee drinks

If you’ve ever stared at a coffee menu and wondered, “What are all of these coffee drinks?” Well, today is your lucky day! We are about to break down more coffee drinks than you’ll probably ever drink! After all, we all end up finding our favorites that we order over and over.

So, next time you’re standing at the coffeehouse counter and looking over all of those coffee drinks, from americano to ristretto, you’ll feel confident ordering what you’ll like – or even trying something new.

And, while 30 coffee drinks may seem like a lot – it’s not even a comprehensive list, just the most common! Plus, with coffeehouses creating their own new drinks all the time, the list of complete drinks would be impossible to exhaust!

But, all of those drinks have a base in a classic coffee drink – so once you learn the components of each drink, you’ll be able to figure out pretty quickly what those coffeehouse concoctions actually are.

Let’s get started!

30 Types of Delicious Coffee Drinks:

1. Affogato:

This easy dessert is simply a scoop of ice cream with a shot of espresso poured over. A simple and delicious dessert!

types of coffee drinks

2. Americano:

Just a simple water and espresso combination, for a more drinkable version of espresso that is similar to iced coffee when cold.

types of coffee drinks

3. Bicerin:

Sort of like an upside down mocha – but the grated chocolate and cream take it next level!

types of coffee drinks

4. Black Eye:

Brewed coffee and espresso for those days when you re-heallllly need a coffee jolt to get going.

types of coffee drinks

5. Breve:

Talk about coffee with milk! The breve has three types of milk – half and half, cream and milk! Don’t be afraid to sub out dairy products for oatmilk. I did a taste test of the oatmilk lattes and found that the oatmilk really elevated the flavors in the coffee. I’m a convert now!

types of coffee drinks

6. Cappuccino:

A standard. Who doesn’t love a cappuccino? With espresso, whipped milk and a foam top – they are perfect for latte art. I love a good cappuccino after dinner. Delish!

types of coffee drinks

7. Cold Brew:

My go-to coffee in the mornings – rain or shine – is cold brew coffee with cream! Whether you brew the coffee and then refrigerate it and add ice or do a cold brew method, the result is delicious cold brew. Make cold brew iced cubes to add to your cold brew for next level goodness.

types of coffee drinks

8. Con Panna:

Another great dessert coffee – the con panna uses generous serving of whipped cream on espresso. The whipped cream starts to melt into the coffee, creating a dreamy, creamy drink that goes down smooth.

types of coffee drinks

9. Corretto:

One of the few on this list I haven’t tried – Corretto’s use alcohol and espresso. Yum!

types of coffee drinks

10. Cortado:

Cortados keep it simple – steamed milk and espresso. Like a cappuccino without the foam. Cortados are smooth, without the addition of foam.

types of coffee drinks

11. Doppio:

Double espresso for those truly long days (or short nights).

types of coffee drinks

12. Espresso:

A concentrated, thicker, more caffeinated shot of coffee that can be drank alone or with additions.

types of coffee drinks

13. Decaf:

There are various types of methods for removing the caffeine from coffee beans. Check them out in our coffee facts post!

types of coffee drinks

14. Flat White:

Two shots of espresso with steamed milk make the flat white a flat favorite. The difference between this and the cortado is the milk is micro-foamed, which makes it thicker and more velvety. Basically, if you prefer a foamier milk – get the flat white instead.

types of coffee drinks

15. Frappe:

Ahh, the drink that started the frappuccino rage! A combination of cold coffee or a coffee mix base with milk and crushed ice, blended to perfection, and topped with whip cream!

types of coffee drinks

16. Glace:

Another dessert drink for the win – the Glace has a cold double espresso, ice cream, and grated chocolate! The perfect ice cream dessert for summer!

types of coffee drinks

17. Halva Coffee:

The second one on the list I have not tried- the halva coffee uses a coffee base with honey to sweeten and then milk whipped with halva. New to halva? Halva is a traditional Middle Eastern fudge-like confection made from tahini (sesame seed paste), sugar, spices and nuts. It has a nutty, semi-sweet taste and when it’s whipped with milk, has a little bit of a butterfinger flavor (without the chocolate coating).

types of coffee drinks

18. Iced Latte:

Ahhh, the iced latte! So simple, with espresso or iced coffee, milk, ice and whipped cream! Add syrups to taste.

types of coffee drinks

19. Iced Mocha:

Swap out the milk for chocolate milk or add a chocolate syrup to the latte for a mocha. Easy!

types of coffee drinks

20. Irish Coffee:

I recently had the Irish oatmilk latte from Dutch Bros and I thought of that as soon as I saw this drink. here’s a third drink I haven’t tried. Made with brown sugar, coffee, Irish whiskey and whipped cream, this is a warm, comforting coffee with a kick!

types of coffee drinks

21. Latte:

Like the iced latte, but made with whipped milk and milk foam.

types of coffee drinks

22. Lungo:

Another Italian style coffee, the Lungo is made with an espresso machine, but it has more water than an espresso shot, which gives it a slightly milder, less thick finish.

types of coffee drinks

23. Macchiato:

Starbucks made the macchiato even more famous with their popular Caramel Macchiato. The base is espresso and whipped milk – but coffeehouses often dress it up with caramel, other syrups, and more more milk.

types of coffee drinks

24. Marocchino:

Chocolate, espresso, milk foam and cocoa powder merge for this delightful, chocolatey treat.

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25. Matcha Latte:

Are you on the matcha train? People go crazy for their matcha! Mix match instead of espresso, whipped milk and milk foam.

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26. Mocha:

Espresso, hot chocolate, milk and whipped cream make the perfect pairing in the classic mocha.

types of coffee drinks

27. Raf Coffee:

Meet Russia’s favorite coffee drink – which supposedly started as a warm and sweet drink made with 2 tablespoons of sugar. Today, it has evolved into an espresso drink with syrup to sweeten and flavor and milk foam. Similar to a latte when syrup is added!

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28. Ristretto:

Americano, Lungo, Doppio and now – Ristretto? Yup, that’s right. They’re all different ways to pull the espresso. The Ristretto goes the opposite direction as the Lungo, with even less water than an espresso, for a super concentrated, bold coffee shot.

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29. Romano:

The romano combines lemon juice with espresso. This is another one that I have not tried – have you? Sometimes sugar is added to sweeten.

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30. Vietnamese Coffee:

Who doesn’t love Vietnamese coffee? With sweetened condensed milk and filtered coffee, it’s creamy and delicious!

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Phew – now I want another coffee! How many of these have you tried?

My favorite is either cold brew with some creamer or an iced vanilla latte. Yum!

And, how cute are these illustrations? I just love them! They  make it so easy to reference for different coffee styles.

Thanks for reading the different coffee drinks from A-V. Be sure to check out our other posts and coffee resources!

And, as always…

Get roasted,





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